Wednesday, December 28, 2016

What are the Advantages of Buying a Used Car?

Should you buy new or used? There are many good reasons to buy a used car but affordability is the the biggest attraction for used-car buyers. Buying a used car can save you money while enjoying quality transportation for many years.

Purchase Price

The biggest advantage to buying used is the cost savings. A used car is going to be less expensive than a new car.

Depreciation Cost

New cars depreciate heavily during the first three years of ownership. When buying used, you're letting the original owner absorb most of the depreciation cost.

Insurance Fees

The other advantage is that you will typically have to pay less for insurance. As cars get older, they're simply cheaper to insure.

Sales Tax

Many state laws subject new cars to state sales tax, but not used cars. You won’t owe any sales tax at all.

Registration Fees

In most states, the rate of your annual registration fee is based on your car’s value and its model year. You can save about a thousand dollars by avoiding the new car registration fees and buying a car that’s at least three, or better yet five, years old.

Customization Costs

You don’t have to settle for expensive dealership add-ons when buying a used car. You may install your own at a lower cost than on a new car.

Before buying a used car, do your research, compare dealerships and be aware of the car's market value to avoid buying a lemon.

Friday, December 16, 2016

How To Protect Car From Sun Heat

Keeping your car cool in summer is never easy, Over time, the sun can cause damage to your car's paint. How can we protect our car from the summer heat? Here are simple ways to protect your car from the summer sun and heat.

Park in covered parking areas whenever you can. Parking in the shade will help keep the sun off your car and keep down the interior temperature. By limiting the amount of direct sunlight your car gets, you’ll minimize the heat buildup inside.

Be sure to keep coolant in the vehicle. High heat can cause many mechanical problems with your car. Make sure to keep an eye on the coolant level and see a mechanic regularly.

Wax the car's exterior. This won’t only protect your car paint from pollutants and dirt, but it can also help in preventing damage caused by the ultraviolet radiation of the sun.

Wash your car as often as you can. You need to keep it clean to protect the topcoat from damage. When the car is dirty the risk of the topcoat being damaged increases.

Use a windshield protection. It's a great way to protect the interior of your car from the heat and prevent sun damage. It will also make your car easier to cool once you get back in it.

Get your windows tinted. Window tinting can cut the sun’s harmful UV rays, protecting the interior of your car while making it substantially cooler.

Check your car's battery. High temperatures are known to drain your car battery. Try and keep the top of the battery clean, as well as getting your battery checked regularly.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

How Does One Become a Good Defensive Driver

ten habits of defensive driving

Defensive driving teaches you how to avoid accidents by recognizing and taking care of problems before they happen. There are many ways in which a driver can practice safer driving habits. Following them could save your life.

Looking ahead while driving.

It’s a natural human instinct to look directly at the vehicle in front of us or right at the pavement lines. Look down the road. This means keep your eyes up and looking ahead of your vehicle.

Avoid drunk driving.

Alcohol affects you in a way that changes your judgement, as well as vital motor skills required to drive safely. Don’t drink and drive. Get a ride home or call a taxi.

Maintaining proper following distance.

If you’re driving, you can always control the space around your car by creating space in front of you. This will give you more reaction time and help you in that bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Minimize distractions.

Talking on the phone or eating, make a driver less able to see potential problems and properly react to them. Distracted driving is dangerous driving.


People who have been driving for a while can get overconfident in their driving abilities and let their driving skills get sloppy. All drivers need to remind themselves to stay focused.

Always wear your seatbelt.

As you drive, always buckle up. While this may not prevent an accident from occurring, it will prevent severe injuries or deaths in the case of an accident.

Know your blind spots.

Make sure you know where your blind spots are on car. Always be sure to not only check the appropriate mirror when switching lanes, but to glance over your shoulder too to make sure the coast is clear.

Communicate with other drivers.

When it comes to road safety, communication is definitely key. It’s important to let the drivers around you know what you plan to do. That way, you avoid confusion and a collision.

Stay within the speed limit.

Safe driving is not only about watching your surroundings and being aware of other drivers. It is also important to drive at a speed that is safe. Remember, speed limits are a maximum, not a target.

Always have an escape plan.

Factors out of your control could change a routine driving situation into a driving emergency very quickly. You should recognize the hazard and act correctly, in time.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Getting Your Car Ready for a Road Trip

Road Trip Prep: 10 Things to Check Before You Hit the Road

It’s the busy travel season and with gas prices dropping around the country, it’s a great time to head out on a road trip. Whether you’re driving a short distance or across the country, here are some tips to ensure that your car and your family are prepared for your next adventure.

Is Your Car Ready for the Road?

Nothing goes with cars better than a road trip! When you become free from your daily schedules, and experience the open road - it's an awesome feeling! But there's nothing like having car problems to bring that great road trip fun to a grinding halt.

3 Things to Consider When Going on a Long Trip With Your Car

Going on a trip with your friends or family is fun but it can quickly turn sour if you’re not prepared. So before you take your car out on the road, remember these three things to save yourself and your folks hassle along the way.

What to Bring on a Road Trip

Going on road trips is one of the best parts of Summer. An abundance of travelers on the road could mean a longer car ride, so if you're going to embark on a lengthy road trip, then remember to bring these essential items with you.

Ultimate Road Trip Planner: Travel Checklist For A Long Car Journey

Every great trip starts with a bit of planning. So before you leave on a long car journey, here is a checklist to follow before making your epic road trip.

Monday, October 24, 2016

What Does the Title Status of a Car Mean?

Ever wonder what the different car titles mean? When looking to purchase a used car, you have to understand the title status of vehicles. A car's title is a label that describes the condition of the car, whether it is clear or a vehicle has been written off due to collision, fire or flood damage or has been sold for scrap.

What Is the Difference Between a Clean Title and a Salvage Title?

When you purchase a vehicle, you're supposed to receive a title showing transfer of ownership. Several types of titles exist, and you need to understand the difference between a clean title and salvage title before you buy a used vehicle.

Why Buy a Car With a Clear Title?

Some salvage lots sell pre-owned vehicles that are still drivable. In many cases, these automobiles can be separated into two groups: those that have what is known as a “clear title”, and those that have what is called a “salvage title.” If you plan to buy a pre-owned vehicle from a salvage lot, it is important to know the difference between these types of car titles.

What is a rebuilt title or a salvage title?

The definition of a rebuilt title or salvage title depends on the state in which you live and laws specific to that state. Normally, a car becomes a salvage vehicle after an insurance company has declared it to be a total loss after an auto accident.  It then can be sold ("AS IS") to an automobile rebuilder to be used either for parts or to be restored ("rebuilt").

Should I Purchase a Used Car with a Salvaged or Branded Title?

On the market of used cars today, there are a lot of branded/salvaged title vehicles for sale, generally in the privately owned market. The general rule is that if a vehicle has a branded/salvaged title it has a value of about 50% of what that vehicle with a clean title would be worth.

What Are the Risks of Buying a Rebuilt Car?

Undoubtedly, the purchase of an automobile is among one of the most involved and important that there is, with several aspects and details to be taken into account. Regardless of the budget or of the lifestyle of the buyer, chief among these considerations are safety and reliability. When shopping for a used vehicle in particular, there is a variety of things that needs to be checked and double-checked to ensure that the vehicle is everything that it is advertised to be.

Tips for Buying Rebuilt Cars

Repairing and reselling “salvage” vehicles is a very large business. While it is possible to restore such a vehicle to good condition, rebuilders often cut costs to make a profit. Even if they try to do a good job, no one can predict the crashworthiness and mechanical reliability of those vehicles.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Car Care Tips: Car Maintenance Guide

To keep your car looking good and new, a regular maintenance is required. Taking good care of your vehicle is important to keep it in running condition and avoid breakdowns and costly repairs. Here's some handy tips to keep your car in good shape.

How to check if your car needs an oil change

Motor oil is a lubricant that helps your engine function smoothly. Over time, it gets contaminated with dirt. This can cause several harmful effects such as stalling and erosion or could lead to complete seizure of the engine. So how do you know when it’s time to change/replenish your car’s oil?

Everything You Need to Know About Checking Your Car’s Tire Pressure

Car experts say that it’s important to check the air pressure in your tires as part of regular maintenance, but they don’t always explain why. We will explain the purpose and reasons why it’s necessary, the difference between air- and nitrogen-inflated tires, and some issues that could arise with improper inflation. You can also follow our step-by-step guide on checking your car’s tire pressure.

11 Amazing Hacks to Keep Your Car Clean and Organized

Here's how to keep your car clean and organized in no time.

Apply Paste Wax To Your Car With Chemical Guys

This video features the Chemical Guys showing you the simple but effective process of applying paste wax to your car to protect the vehicle from the elements and contamination.

Keep your car's paint finish looking new with our practical car-cleaning tips

Keeping your car’s paint job in excellent condition not only keeps it looking good and maximizes its resale value, it also protects it from the ravages of daily use. That coat of paint is the only thing keeping your car’s body from rusting up and deteriorating. Thing is, there’s a lot of car care myths floating around which are actually detrimental to your car. Follow our no-nonsense guide for the best way to keep your car looking showroom-ready.

Checking Your Car’s Battery is Easy as 1-2-3!

Car batteries have one of the toughest jobs in any car, truck or SUV as they have a lot of strain and wear placed on them on a daily basis. I your vehicle is more than three years old OR if  you notice any warning signs, check your battery so you don’t get left stranded on a random road. Here's a guide on how to check your car battery.

Lights Out? Check Vehicle Lighting

“Lights play a critical role in safe driving, as the chance of an accident increases if you can’t see or be seen,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. “From the driver’s seat you may not notice a light that isn’t working, so inspect all of your car’s lights and replace those that are out.”

Checking oil, coolant and brake fluid levels

NRMA motoring expert Tim Pomroy on how to check oil, coolant and brake fluid levels.

Dashboard Warning Lights: Know Your Ride Better

It is important to understand the function of those symbols on your dashboard that would flash from time to time, for you to be a perfect master of your car. Some of those warning lights are a way your ride communicates with you so let’s learn about them in today’s blog.

Tips for Replacing ANY Car's Air Filter

Have you ever wondered how to replace your car's engine air filter? You do not have to be a professional mechanic to do some simple maintenance on your car. Thos video will show you how to replace the air filter on a VR6 GTI.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Defensive Driving Techniques

Defensive driving means is being able to avoid dangers on the road by using safe driving practices. When you drive defensively, you can be sure that you will always be in complete control when you are behind the wheel. Follow these defensive driving techniques to keep you safe on the road.

  • Before hitting the road, check weather and road conditions in advance to help you plan a route and know what to expect along the way.
  • Look far, far down the road. keep your eyes up and looking down the road. By knowing what's in front of you, you can prepare for the worst and effectively respond to it.
  • Be aware of your surroundings — pay attention. Check your mirrors every three to five seconds and continuously scan the road ahead for possible dangers.
  • Stay alert, don't drive if you are tired or upset. Watch for aggressive drivers (Read: Most Unsafe Driving Behaviors) and keep your distance from them.
  • Stay focused and avoid distractions. Never use a cell phone while driving. Using a cell phone is extremely distracting, and you should only use it when the car is parked.
  • Maintain a safe following distance. Follow the 3 second rule - give yourself at least three seconds of distance between your own vehicle and the one ahead.
  • Keep your speed down. Drive at a speed that is within the limits and is appropriate for the weather.
  • Look both ways at intersections. Take your time when the light changes and double check the cars have stopped before you move out into the intersection.
  • Pay attention to all traffic signs and follow the rules of the road at all times.
  • Keep an eye on what the other drivers around you are doing, try to anticipate what they are going to do. Just because the car in front of you is indicating left, doesn’t mean it will actually turn.
  • Have an escape route. Having an alternate path to travel is essential. Always leave yourself an out, a place to move over if necessary.


Buying a used car? Check VIN!

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