Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Defensive Driving Techniques

Defensive driving means is being able to avoid dangers on the road by using safe driving practices. When you drive defensively, you can be sure that you will always be in complete control when you are behind the wheel. Follow these defensive driving techniques to keep you safe on the road.

  • Before hitting the road, check weather and road conditions in advance to help you plan a route and know what to expect along the way.
  • Look far, far down the road. keep your eyes up and looking down the road. By knowing what's in front of you, you can prepare for the worst and effectively respond to it.
  • Be aware of your surroundings — pay attention. Check your mirrors every three to five seconds and continuously scan the road ahead for possible dangers.
  • Stay alert, don't drive if you are tired or upset. Watch for aggressive drivers (Read: Most Unsafe Driving Behaviors) and keep your distance from them.
  • Stay focused and avoid distractions. Never use a cell phone while driving. Using a cell phone is extremely distracting, and you should only use it when the car is parked.
  • Maintain a safe following distance. Follow the 3 second rule - give yourself at least three seconds of distance between your own vehicle and the one ahead.
  • Keep your speed down. Drive at a speed that is within the limits and is appropriate for the weather.
  • Look both ways at intersections. Take your time when the light changes and double check the cars have stopped before you move out into the intersection.
  • Pay attention to all traffic signs and follow the rules of the road at all times.
  • Keep an eye on what the other drivers around you are doing, try to anticipate what they are going to do. Just because the car in front of you is indicating left, doesn’t mean it will actually turn.
  • Have an escape route. Having an alternate path to travel is essential. Always leave yourself an out, a place to move over if necessary.



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