Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How Do Self-Driving Cars Work?

Are self-driving cars safe? Driverless cars may save lives, but would you get into an automated self-driving vehicle, knowing that in the event of an accident, it might sacrifice your life if it meant saving the lives of other people? Self-driving cars are starting to hit the road, here's what to expect.

Are humans ready for self-driving cars?


Experts say the development of self-driving cars over the coming decade depends on an unreliable assumption by many automakers: that the humans in them will be ready to step in and take control if the car’s systems fail.

These Stats Show Why We Need Driverless Cars So Desperately


A lot of humans are pissed off as they wield heavy machinery every day. A newly released AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety survey found that "nearly eight of every 10 U.S. drivers admit expressing anger, aggression or road rage at least once in the previous year," the Detroit Free Press reported. This means tailgating, shouting, cutting someone off or angrily gesticulating.

Roads That Work for Self-Driving Cars


In May, a Tesla “autopilot” enthusiast in Florida became the first known fatality in a self-driving car. But this was no ordinary accident. The car performed exactly as designed, and the (non)driver’s failure to take any corrective action could reasonably have been foreseen by the manufacturer. This unwelcome yet widely anticipated milestone may set back progress on what promises to be one of the most valuable technologies of the 21st century.

Think self-driving cars could mean an end to traffic jams? Think again...


The dream of self-driving cars extinguishing traffic jams for good may remain just that, as computerised vehicles could make Britain’s roads more congested, not less, according to a new report.

Self-driving cars have drawback: human brain


Experts say the development of self-driving cars over the coming decade depends on an unreliable assumption by many automakers: that the humans in them will be ready to step in and take control if the car's systems fail.

Moral dilemma could limit appeal of driverless cars


Self-driving cars are just around the corner. Such vehicles will make getting from one place to another safer and less stressful. They also could cut down on traffic, reduce pollution and limit accidents. But how should driverless cars handle emergencies? People disagree on the answer. And that might put the brakes on this technology, a new study reports.

Self-driving cars should sacrifice passengers over pedestrians


Driverless cars should be programmed to choose the lesser of two evils if they are about to hit pedestrians. The majority of around 2,000 people participating in a study conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab in Boston reckon that self-driving cars should sacrifice passengers over the lives of pedestrians.

Should A Self-Driving Car Kill Its Passengers In A “Greater Good” Scenario?


Picture the scene: You’re in a self-driving car and, after turning a corner, find that you are on course for an unavoidable collision with a group of 10 people in the road with walls on either side. Should the car swerve to the side into the wall, likely seriously injuring or killing you, its sole occupant, and saving the group? Or should it make every attempt to stop, knowing full well it will hit the group of people while keeping you safe?

The Secret UX Issues That Will Make (Or Break) Self-Driving Cars


In an unassuming research lab, Volkswagen is solving problems that Tesla and Google haven't come close to cracking.

Humans Are Slamming Into Driverless Cars and Exposing a Key Flaw


The self-driving car, that cutting-edge creation that’s supposed to lead to a world without accidents, is achieving the exact opposite right now: The vehicles have racked up a crash rate double that of those with human drivers.



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