1 - Speeding
Drivers are more likely to be seriously injured or killed at higher speeds, and speeding increases the risk of being in a crash because there is less time and distance available to respond.
2 - Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving occurs when "an individual commits a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property. It can refer to any display of aggression by a driver, tailgating, flashing headlights, speeding or weaving through traffic are just some forms of aggressive driving. Extreme acts of physical assault that result from disagreements between drivers are a form of aggression commonly called "Road Rage."
3 - Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is driving while doing another activity that takes your attention away from driving. These activities include things like texting or talking on a cell phone, eating, watching a video, or talking to other passengers of the car. Drivers who take their eyes off the road for more than two seconds can double their risk of being in a crash.
4 - Drowsy Driving
Falling asleep at the wheel is clearly dangerous, but being sleepy affects your ability to drive safely even if you don't fall asleep. Driving while extremely tired (so tired you have a hard time keeping your eyes open) affects a driver's ability to make rapid decisions and they may have slower reaction times. Not only are they putting themselves in danger, but they are a risk to everyone else on the road.
5 - Tailgating
Tailgating is when a driver follows the car in front too closely. Doing so decreases the amount of time that a driver has to react. When you cannot avoid hitting another automobile, tailgating can cause a car accident. If you are being tailgated by a car, the first thing that you should do is to put your turn signal on, switch lanes, and get the out of the way as fast as reasonably possible.
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