Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How To Save On Car Insurance for New Drivers

Are you looking for a way to bring down the costs of your car insurance? Car insurance is a must, but you don't want to spend a penny more than you need to. Here's what you need to know to save as much money as possible on your car insurance.

First time buying car insurance? Make sure to shop around.

Get car insurance quotes from several insurance companies and compare prices.

Have low mileage? You could save big on car insurance

You can lower car insurance quote by driving less. A low mileage insurance policy can significantly reduce your premiums and make driving more affordable.

Taking This Online Driving Course Could Save You Up to 10% on Auto Insurance or Take Points off Your Record

Safe driving is something many auto insurers reward you for with lower insurance rates, but not everyone has the time or inclination to go to in-person driving classes. Online courses are inexpensive, however, and easy to do at your own pace.

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Car Insurance Online

Buying online is cheaper so you could save a lot of money.

6 Car Insurance Discounts You Should Ask About

Insurance is the costliest car-related expense for drivers after the vehicle itself, so it’s no surprise that consumers seek discounts to reduce their car insurance rates.

10 Cars That Are Cheap To Insure AND Fun To Drive

When shopping for cars, some people look for the best safety features and latest tech, some want excellent gas mileage, while others focus on how many kids a vehicle can handle. But people who truly love driving want to know how much enjoyment they’ll get from a car: how much fun will it be to drive?

Black box insurance: how young drivers can reduce their car insurance premium

If you are struggling with high car insurance costs; black box insurance could be the answer. This is also known as telematics insurance or pay-as-you-drive insurance.

Save thousands by adding drivers to your car insurance

Adding an experienced and older named driver to the policy is another effective way to bring down the cost. This way the insurer is reassured that the young person will not be the only one driving the car, which reduces the chances of an accident occurring.


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